Value for Engineering

eSimulation provides tools that aggregate information on operations and facilities from multiple sources, track product inventories and losses, and optimize plant and equipment performance.

Increase Return-On-Assets Through Engineering Insights

  • Increase Return-On-Assets Through Engineering Insights
  • Capture plant data – temperatures, pressures, flows, analyzer signals, etc. – for visualization and analysis
  • Identify problems before they become production losses by monitoring equipment system-wide
  • Optimize plant performance with a rigorous optimization model – suggest setpoints to operators
  • Compare downtime events and batch datasets to identify patterns and replicate best practices

eSimulation starts with several off-the-shelf products that are ready to be configured to the operational requirements, including:

Together, the above tools deliver a strong project ROI; however, where needed, eSimulation also builds on these and other solutions by integrating 3rd party systems and applications into a seamless digital environment for operations.

"The Crane [plant] optimization project provided a strong Return on Investment for BP and a significant increase in Operational Profitability…”

Jan Estal Maberry
former Plant Engineer

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