News & Publications

Maximizing Gas Plant Profitability in Turbulent Processing Environments
Enable Midstream Partners began deploying gas optimization technology to its cryogenic plants and discovered that there is actually a ...
Rigorous Online Process and Economic Monitoring for Gas Processing Facilities
With the current growth of the midstream industry, gas processing companies have limited time for troubleshooting and analysis of plant performance. Enogex is using an ...
Managing and Optimizing Midstream Gross Margin Positions Using a Fully Integrated, Predictive Business Model
Southern Union Gas Services (SUGS) is using eSim's predictive business model to help accurately manage and forecast plant gross margins at their Permian Basin and ...
Enogex, LLC expands deployment of process optimization solution from eSimulation in its Oklahoma assets
Enogex, LLC is now using eSimOptimizer to maximize asset values for 5 of Enogex's cryogenic gas plants ...
Enbridge Energy Partners Extends Deployment of eSimOptimizer solution to Avinger and Longview Gas Processing Facilities
Enbridge Energy Partners annouced that it is deploying eSimOptimizer, a real-time process optimization solution to maximize profitability at the Avinger and Longview ...
eSimulation, Inc. announces release of eSimEvaluator 2.0 for midstream business prediction and management applications
eSimulation, Inc. announced today that it has a major redesign and upgrade of its eSimEvaluator business modeling and optimization software platform ...
Driving Value Using Closed Loop Optimization Technology At the Williams Ignacio Plant
Williams Midstream explores eSim's closed-loop process optimization to address operational challenges associated with managing their Ignacio facility ...
Lessons Learned From Deploying Web-Based Optimization Across Enogex’s Gas Processing Assets
Enogex's value from web-based optimization applications and human factors associated with sustaining it are explored ...
Highly Detailed, Web-Based Process Training for the Mid-Stream Industry
This is a presentation for web-based process training for the mid-stream industry answering the challenges of geographically diverse assets, few operators, competent trainers, ...
On-Line Process Optimization at the Western Gas Resources Granger Plant
Western Gas Resources' business improvement initiative at the Granger, WY processing asset includes on-line model-based process optimization provided by eSimulation ...
Optimizing BP’s Crane Gathering and Processing System
eSimOptimizer, a web-based process optimization tool is highlighted on BP America Production Company's (BP) Crane Gathering and Processing System in Upton and Midland Counties, TX ...
Improving the Business Performance of Mid-Stream Gathering and Processing Assets
Crosstex Energy Services' fast growth pace has found a need to replace spreadsheet tools with a graphic modeling tool to keep track of the ever ...
Improving the Business Performance of DEFS’s South Texas Assets Using Web-Based Optimization Technology
DEFS's experience with applying eSimulation's web-based optimization service to the Three Rivers plant highlights benefits that meet expectations ...
Affordable Web-Based Process Training to Improve Operator Effectiveness
When companies deploy knowledge management systems to assess, capture, manage and leverage their company’s information and core competence, the systems have proven successful for disseminating ...
Justifying Process Automation Upgrades for Older Facilities
The majority of gas processing plants currently in operation were installed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s and are still operating at the same ...
Alternatives to Optimize Gas Processing Operations
The viability of advanced technologies for gas processing operations is a concern given the following challenges: ...
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